Showing posts with label plastic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plastic. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Things that Japan does really well: refillable everything!

So I've definitely complained about a lot of the weird package designs or the weather or various day to day things. However, I do think that there are lots of things that Japan does that other places should also do (or do more of) so I thought it would be good to focus on those.

Since I complained about package designs the most, this week, I'm starting with some packaging I really like: the refillable sort.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Worst egg cartons, ever.

While I generally like Japan and don't have too many complaints, there is one thing that is really terrible here: the design of the egg cartons.

Now, you may be asking "But Sarah, how can an egg carton be terrible?" this is perhaps because you're used to the egg cartons in North America1 that are made out of fairly rigid, easily recycled or composted cardboard that maintain their shape. The kind of egg cartons that can be easily opened and closed again and again. The kind of egg cartons that are unlikely to spill all of your eggs out all over the place if you aren't careful. These are not those kinds of egg cartons.